Friday, December 14, 2012

Final Post #6

I used Photoshop to create an ad campaign featured in a magazine. This was done with the help of a graphic design major and a friend of mine. How done this all was extraordinary.  I knew what direction I originally wanted but when we tried out the original idea it didn't feel real enough for me I just wanted to take this u and above and show a rain forest still. That wasn't going to change no matter what. I wanted that sensual feeling of it raining in the Garden of Eden so it can still show that sensual image of what eve would've looked like and it showing a fresh clean forest. I wanted it to also feel different then some girl in the shower or showing how “real” her hair is but it didn't show that it showed more of a sensual appeal in my opinion. That exactly what I was going for when I say Eden Never Felt So Good. I believe people will fascinated wit her hair instead of her face which was exactly I originally wanted. We tried a few more shots but they didn't seem to make the concept. All of course visually interesting however. I’m just glad we found the shot.

My project will show you the sensual side it is to have thus shampoo. This shampoo has gone out of favor due to a scandal of using sulfate and ammonia. I did my research on that and it shows people having concerns that the shampoo actually creates hair loss. The whole idea of my project would bring sensual image to the product.  The hair would be what you see when you look at it hopefully. The whole image concept is actually very different than the other images you seen advertising the project. I really do hope that this ad will change people’s idea about the hair product. I want the hair to tell who you are and give you sex appeal and not just the makeup and clothing you out on to make it work. Well that’s just the thought I have. Let your hair make you more attractive not just your material possessions. My main focus would be woman young and who grew up with this brand. I hope all really does go well with this. I wont change up too much I will still continue to advertise the classic shampoo with the milk and protein to make it stronger. The demographic I think that would be more attracted to it is the younger brand because its only a dollar at ceartin retails. This may be a challenge but helpful at the same time. People will buy whats expensive because they belive it’s the best for you. Not because of whats in it or made for you. Its very rare in my opinion to find someone who is like that. The cheap part is an advantage because it will save people money who may be struggling due to the economy or just college students eating ramen every night.

My competition would be a big name brand like Tresseme. I noticed they offer things like no wash shampoo and different gels and mousses. They have expanded their lines to different hair types and colors. I feel like my campaign would be bigger because they use words like fresh and clean like my approach, my product will give the customer an image of what your hair will smell and feel like. Their magazine ads only contain a girl with beautiful hair and text of the same font. My product is giving something different and unseen probably in a long time. The way they draw customers however is their big name and the use of so many people recommending it. Most salons use their products and it has certain chemicals that make people believe that their hair can be just like the models in the campaign. The facilities they have would be an testing team to see what chemicals and natural ingredients go good together. They also have certain celebrities who have endorsed their products. I believe that they also have an research team who goes out and explores if the shea and avocado would fit their brand. Just using those ingredients as an example because they calim in their ads to use all natural ingredients and no more sulfate so you hair doesn’t dry out or suffer from damage. The challenges they are facing are when salon brands are now becoming something people can purchase. For example Nexxus and   L'Oreal. I think the main challenge is keeping the name up and proving they are a true professional brand. There isn’t a way they seem t be improving but lowering their pirces on their hair care product lines and making sure they draw in consumer with their newer lines and products.
My sales pitch would be for the Vo5 shampoo and reinventing the brand to a whole new level. The idea and concept would be to say how fresh your hair will feel after using this brand. The way of doing so would be an advertisement of a beautiful girl or woman with extraordinary hair walking through a forest.  The whole thought behind it is saying someone with gorgeous hair uses this brand and it gives them that hair strength and shine while staying fresh like the rain forest rain. When you think of nature you think of fresh air and the scents it gives off. The forest would be filled with different trees and images that make it seem like a secret garden. When this idea popped into my head I thought of the bible story of Adam and eve and the Garden of Eden. What better story line then that? A young gorgeous woman who portrays the character of eve? That wouldn't go wrong if done right. I will ask the assistance of a graphic design student to help me create the image of a mysterious garden or maybe a rain forest  I want it to look as realistic as possible so maybe little creatures as well. I have many different images of the girl and her positioning.  She could be sitting on a rock stroking her hair, walking and looking over her shoulder, laying on the ground with her hair flowing, rain pouring over her and she’s catching it, in the bushes and hiding, or so much more possibilities. I have found a model as well who will showcase that gorgeous sensuality about her and her hair will show shine and strength and fresh cleanliness to it. I hope all goes well but I am definitely  sure about this.

Qoutes:   "Advertising has become more ubiquitous than ever, as advertisers try to find new ways to get their message through. Advertising differentiates brands, groups, and causes, and ultimately sells products and calls people to action."
"Listen carefully to the information the client offers; the client is expert about his or her business. Listen to what he or she says about the problem, audience, and marketplace—and thoughtfully examine the information provided. By paying careful attention to what the client says about the brand or group andabout the competition, you might gain useful insights."
"People are engaged by compelling narratives. If a brand or group has a story to tell, then it will be more dimensional. Through the branding, advertising, and every point of contact, people learn the brand story."
"What took Dove from being a bar of beauty soap to a powerful brand is their brand story: they “challenge beauty stereotypes and help women feel more positive about their own individual beauty.” If the story gets it right, hits a nerve, then the brand moves from being a product or service to becoming an influencer with a set of values."

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