Friday, December 14, 2012

Part 3 of Final Blog Post

My project will show you the sensual side it is to have thus shampoo. This shampoo has gone out of favor due to a scandal of using sulfate and ammonia. I did my research on that and it shows people having concerns that the shampoo actually creates hair loss. The whole idea of my project would bring sensual image to the product.  The hair would be what you see when you look at it hopefully. The whole image concept is actually very different than the other images you seen advertising the project. I really do hope that this ad will change people’s idea about the hair product. I want the hair to tell who you are and give you sex appeal and not just the makeup and clothing you out on to make it work. Well that’s just the thought I have. Let your hair make you more attractive not just your material possessions. My main focus would be woman young and who grew up with this brand. I hope all really does go well with this. I wont change up too much I will still continue to advertise the classic shampoo with the milk and protein to make it stronger. The demographic I think that would be more attracted to it is the younger brand because its only a dollar at ceartin retails. This may be a challenge but helpful at the same time. People will buy whats expensive because they belive it’s the best for you. Not because of whats in it or made for you. Its very rare in my opinion to find someone who is like that. The cheap part is an advantage because it will save people money who may be struggling due to the economy or just college students eating ramen every night.

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